Ronald H. Hofstetter

Associate Professor


B.S., McMaster University, Ontario, 1962
M.S., McMaster University, Ontario, 1964
Ph.D., University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, 1969

Research Interests:

My research addresses identification of patterns in the character and arrangement of plant communities and the factors that affect these patterns in freshwater wetlands. My current work involves analyses of hydrology, microclimate, and vegetation in the Florida Everglades. One line of research examines the ecological role of fire in the natural communities of south Florida, with a goal of refining the timing of prescribed fire as a management tool to maintain these communities. I am also examining the conditions of establishment of exotic pest plant species in natural communities.


Wetland ecology; fire ecology; plant community ecology; conservation ecology.

Recent Representative Publications:

Wade, D., J. Ewel, and R. Hofstetter. 1980. Fire in South Florida Ecosystems. U. S. Dept. of Agric., Forest Serv., Gen. Tech. Rep. SE-17, SE for. Exp. Stn. Asheville, N. C. 125 pp.

Hofstetter, R. H. 1983. Wetlands in the United States. Pp. 201-224. In: A. J. P. Gore (ed.) Swamp, Bog, Fen and Mire (Freshwater Wetlands), Vol. 4B in Ecosystems of the World. Elsevier Scientific Publishing Co., Amsterdam.

Hofstetter, R. H., and R. S. Sonenshein. 1990. Vegetative changes in a wetland in the vicinity of a well field, Dade County, Florida. U. S. Geol. Surv. Wat.-Res. Invest. Report 89-4155, Tallahassee, FL. 16 pp.

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