David L. Wilson

Professor of Biology

Education :

B.S. in physics, with honors, University of Maryland (1964)
Ph.D. in biophysics, University of Chicago (1969)

(NIH Fellow and James Franck Dissertation Fellow)
Helen Hay Whitney postdoctoral fellow, Caltech (1969-72)

Address :

Department of Biology
University of Miami
P.O. Box 249118
Coral Gables, FL 33124-0421


Office Location : 237 Cox Science Building. (Second floor, outside corridor, corner of building pointing towards fountain)

Phone : (305) 284-6421
Fax : (305) 284-3039
email : davidwilson@miami.edu

Research interests :

Biology of aging
Biology of mind and consciousness

Some Publications :

Wilson, 1994, The analysis of survival (mortality) data: fitting Gompertz, Weibull, and logistic functions Mechanisms of Ageing and Development 74 15-33

Wilson, 1996, Consciousness matters Quarterly Review of Biology 71 391-2

Gomez-Saladin, Luebke, Wilson, and Dickerson, 1997, Isolation of a cDNA encoding a Kex2-like Endoprotease DNA and Cell Biology 16 663-9

Yang and Wilson, 1999, Characterization of a Life-Extending Mutation in age-2, a New Aging Gene in Caenorhabditis elegans Journal of Gerontology, Biological Science 54A, B137-42

Wilson, 1999, Mind-Brain Interaction and Violation of Physical Laws, Journal of Consciousness Studies 6, 185-200

Wilson, 2000, Introduction to Biology. Blackwell Science, Malden, MA, 278 + ix pp.

Yang and Wilson, 2000, Isolating aging mutants: a novel method yields three strains of the nematode C. elegans with extended life spans. Mechanisms of Ageing and Development 113, 101-16


Wilson and Bowen, 2001, Science and Literature: Bridging the Two Cultures, University Press of Florida, Gainesville, 252 + xiii pp.

Teaching :

Courses taught in the last several years include:

Biology 150 General Biology

Biology 474 Science and Literature
Honors Research courses

Biology 381 Workshop leaders in biology

Biology 101 Introduction to Biological Science
Biology 375 Biology of the Mind

Biology 369/569 Biology of Aging
Biology 372 Honors Readings

Psychology 120 FORUM: Introduction to Neuroscience Research

Favorite hobby:


Date modified: Jan. 2005
