Fall 2016 Seminar Schedule

Unless otherwise noted, all seminars are in room 166 Cox at 12:20pm

Aug 22

Genetic Adaptation & Phenotypic Plasticity in Andean Ducks
Kevin McCracken, University of Miami
Host: Collins

Aug 29

Mechanisms of host/symbiont metabolic and developmental integration
Alex Wilson, University of Miami
Host: Collins

Sept 5

Labor Day

Sept 12

End of Lecture: The Future of Evidence-based Teaching
Mary Pat Wenderoth, University of Washington
Host: DiResta & Wang

Sept 19

Neurodegeneration and Cellular Adaptation: Studying Sensory Neuropathies in Songbirds
Willie Buchser, College of William & Mary
Host: Lu

Sept 26

Conservation Biology of the Critically Endangered Bahama Oriole: Research on Tropical Orioles Sets the Stage for Our New Research on Andros
Kevin Omland, University of Maryland at Baltimore County
Host: Beckles from Uy Lab

Oct 3

Predicting landscape-level distributions and abundance: integrating demography, fire, and dryness with patch and annual variation
Pedro Quintana-Ascencio, University of Central Florida
Host: Afkhami

Oct 10

Mechanisms of spinal cord regeneration in zebrafish
Mayssa Mokalled, Duke University
Host: Wikramanayake

Oct 17

Enigmatic decline and enigmatic survival in Costa Rican amphibians
Steven Whitfield,  Zoo Miami
Host: Collins

Oct 24

Developmental and genetic origins of spectacular diversity in Darwin's pigeons
Mike Shapiro, University of Utah
Host: Wikramanayake

Oct 31

Moved to Dec 5:

Eco-immunity and wound healing in cnidarians
Nikki Traylor-Knowles, RSMAS 
Host: Wilson

Nov 7

Degradation of complex carbohydrates by human gut bacteria during health & disease
Eric Martens, University of Michigan
Host: Wilson

Nov 14

Species Divergence Shaped by the Intersects of Ecology and Climate Change
L. Lacey Knowles, University of Michigan
Host: Wyatt Sharber from Whitlock Lab

Nov 21

Thanksgiving Recess

Nov 28

Circuit level control of female reproductive behaviors in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans
Kevin Collins, University of Miami
Host: Wikramanayake

Dec 5

Eco-immunity and wound healing in cnidarians
Nikki Traylor-Knowles, RSMAS 
Host: Wilson
